Halva, halwa, halvah, halava, helva, halawa, halawi

quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2007

Halva é um doce do Médio Oriente feito de sementes de gergelim torradas, moídas e misturadas com açúcar derretido. É por vezes temperado com pistácios, mel ou baunilha.

Originally derived from the Arabic root حلوى halwā (sweet), is used to describe many distinct types of sweet confection, across the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia. Halva based on semolina is popular in Turkey, Pakistan, and Persia. Another common type, based on tahini (sesame paste), is more popular in the eastern Mediterranean and Balkan regions, in countries such as Greece, Israel, and Lebanon as well as the Palestinian territories. Halva may also be made from a variety of other ingredients, including sunflower seeds, various nuts, beans, lentils, and vegetables—such as carrots, pumpkins, yams, and squashes.

Read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halva


Sesame halvah

6 cup Sesame Seeds
1 ½ cup Honey
1 teaspoon Ginger
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Allspice

Toast 6 cups of sesame seeds in a skillet or oven. Blend the seeds in a blender one cup at a time. Add honey, ginger, cinnamon and allspice and mix in well. Pat into a 13" X 9" pan and refrigerate. Cut into squares.

HALAWE (doce de gergelim)

* 200 g de purê de gergelim (tahine)
* 100 g de mel
* 100 g de açúcar
* 1 colher de açúcar vanile
* 1 colher de suco de limão

Misturar todos os ingredientes e bater até formar uma mistura homogênea. Enformar e levar ao refrigerador. Para variar a receita, pode-se misturar pstache, chocolate, etc. O gergelim é que deve dar esse gosto de amendoim.

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