Beach Handball na Tunísia

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2009

Seleção feminina no aeroporto de Túnis, Tunisia.
Hoje dia 18 de outubro a seleção feminina de Beach Handball chegou a Túnis na Tunisia para a disputa de um torneio internacional realizado pela federação tunisiana. Amanhã, pela manhã as atletas irão ao local de jogo para reconhecimento da quadra e treinamento, e logo após na parte da parte realizarão um jogo amistoso contra a seleção da Espanha.

Opening of election village at El Menzah

The election village set up at El Menzah sports city under the motto "with Ben Ali to take up challenges " opened its doors on Friday to the public. This village will host several cultural and leisure activities and is notably intended to explain the different items of the new election platform of president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Opening of election village at El Menzah

The village is made up of some 10 tents put up on an area of 3 hectares with areas devotes to women, youth, new technologies, health, civil society, science, forum of dialogue, sports, arts and youth shows.

There is also a giant screen displaying documentary films on the main achievements of the change in different fields and on the 24 items of the new presidential election programme "together we meet challenges ".

The election village has a high-speed connection to the Internet and is characterised by the use of renewable energies like solar and wind energy.

It is also a non-smoking area in compliance with the National Year of Fight Against Smoking.

The activities, which will last until next October 23, include as well International Competitions of Handball, women's Beach-Ball with attendance of famous teams of Brazil and Europe.

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